Happy Holidays to the OGC Acrobatic Gymnastics program from the OGC Acro staff.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Monday, November 30, 2015
December Schedule
Points of note:
Don is away until the 7th of December at the World Championships for Tumbling in Denmark. See the schedule for supply coaches.
Friday, December 4th the Provincial 3 group will only train 3:30pm to 5:30pm. All partnerships that are vying for the Canadian Team will have training from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.
Friday, December 11th Training will be at Power Cheer Toronto Cobras Gym, 3580 Laird Road, Mississauga. NOT AT WOLFPACK IN OAKVILLE. All partnerships that are vying for the Canadian Team will have training from 4:00pm to 6:00pm and the P3 group and those not vying for a spot on the Canadian Team will train from 6:00pm to 8:00pm.
Saturday, December 12th and Sunday, December 13th Ontario is hosting the Canadian Team Selection Competition for the 2016 World Age Group Championships to be held in China. ALL OGC ACROBATS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE EVENT TO CHEER ON THE OGC ATHLETES. Training has been altered on Sunday, December 13th so that all of our OGC Acrobats are able to attend. Admission to the event is on a donation basis: Cash or pot luck snacks to share, cheese tray, fruit or veggie tray, juice or water bottles, sandwiches, etc. Food items will be for athletes and judges. If we receive an excessive amount then we will share it with everyone. This is for both days. Or you can give a cash donation of your choosing. All proceeds will go towards helping athletes and coaches attend the World Age Group Competition in China.
December 21st to January 3rd will have an altered holiday schedule. Don will be taking the extra classes while Scott, Greg, Sophie and Kelsey are away.
There will be NO Training on Sunday, January 3rd.
Regular classes will resume Monday, January 4th.
Have a Happy Holiday!
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Acro & Tumbling Program Fundraiser Starts Today
Here is some information on the Acro and Tumbling Program new Fundraiser. You will receive an email and a paper copy of this information as well. Hope this fundraiser makes your holiday season a little brighter.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
November Schedule for Acro
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To see image in larger format click on image. This is an updated schedule as of November 17. |
Details on a Level 5 and 6 Acro Workshop for November 22nd will be coming out soon. Athletes in P1, Boys Acro and P2 will be invited to attend the Acro Workshop
which will be held in Woodbridge.
Canadian Team Selection for the 2016 Canadian Acrobatic Gymnastics Team will take place December 12th and 13th. We are still waiting to hear which province it will be in: Ontario or Alberta. More details to follow.
Note that the OGC Christmas Banquet will take place on Thursday, November 26th. Location and details to be distributed soon.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving
Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
There is No Training for the Acrobatic Gymnastics program on
Sunday, October 11th
Monday, October 12th.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
National Circus School
Several of the Oakville Gymnastics Club's former athletes are now at the National Circus School in Montreal. Maybe you could be too.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Zacada Circus Show
The Zacada Circus school in Stoney Creek is putting on its annual show this weekend and next.
For details and tickets see their website:
Sunday, September 27, 2015
October Acro Schedule
Parent Meeting Info Sept 2015
Congratulations to all the Acrobatic Gymnasts who were offered spots in the Oakville Gymnastics Club Acrobatic Gymnastics Program for the 2015/2016 season. We do appreciate your dedication, commitment and loyalty towards the acro program.
Don Holmes – Head Coach/Director of the Acrobatic Gymnastics Program – Coach Boys Acro group
Scott Middleton – Coach of Jr/Sr Group, Age Group group and Provincial3
Greg Boosey – Coach of Jr/Sr group, Age Group group and Provincial 3
Kelsey Horn – Coach of the Provincial 3 (assisting Scott and Greg)
Sophie Lake – Coach of the Provincial 2 group
Alyssa Belford – Coach of the Provincial 1 Acro group
Staff Biographies to be posted on the OGC website.
The One Year Contract Policy: As you know the Acrobatic Gymnastics program offers your child a space in the program for one year and at the end of each season we do ask all of our athletes to “ReTryout”. By implementing the ‘Re-Tryout’ and ‘Tryout’ protocols we are not trying to be mean or unsupportive of those athletes that we have been working with and developing over the previous year (or years). Our program is a competitive program with a limited number of spaces. We are simply trying to ensure that those athletes who are the most deserving of a spot on the team are receiving those spots. If at some point we do ask your child to leave the program this may be thought of as a good thing allowing the athlete the opportunity to explore other sports where he/she may be more suited physically, mentally or socially. Also at that time we may invite them to try an alternative gymnastics discipline or program in the gym as we do believe that GYMNASTICS IS FOR ALL and we wish to keep everyone in the gym in some capacity. Remember that Competitive Programs at the OGC are a privilege and an opportunity, not a right.
We offer a spot not a partnership: The OGC Acro staff will do their best to provide your child with a partnership or group (meaning a Women’s Pair, Men’s Pair, Mixed Pair, Women’s Trio or Men’s Four). Acrobatic Gymnastics partnerships are put together and taken apart quite regularly. We do try to keep them together for as long as is possible but there are so many factors that are in play when creating partnerships or groups. The club offers a spot in the program to train, gain new skills and the possibility of competing. WE CANNOT GARUNTEE a partnership all the time. Your athlete may be without a partner for an extended period of time if a suitable partner is not available. Please understand that this is a part of acrobatic gymnastics that is common and may affect your child in any particular season or part of a season.
Summer Attendance: During the summer session we expect 50% attendance as a minimum. We would prefer that your child attends 100% of their scheduled classes but we understand summer schedules are far more diverse and we would hope that kids take the time to enjoy summer camps, weeks at the cottage and time with family. Please send an e-mail to your athlete’s coach with the dates that your child will not be at gymnastics. Low attendance in some groups on specific weeks may allow us to accommodate other athletes who have summer training conflicts and permit them to make the minimum number of training hours. If your child will be away for the entire summer you may not be given a spot on the team.
Fall/Winter/Spring Attendance: During the school year we expect 90% attendance as a minimum. Obviously the less your athlete trains the less they as well as their partnership/group will progress and the less they will be prepared for competition. Your child’s absence affects the other athletes. It is in your best interest to have your athlete at the gym as much as possible.
Note: Attendance in Acrobatic Gymnastics is very important as when one of a pair or group is not at the gym the entire group cannot work on the specific skills that make acro what it is. Please make sure that your athlete and family are accountable to the other group members. Share phone numbers and emails so that you can communicate before a practice whether or not you are sick or going to be absent for some reason. Also look to plan family vacations at the same time or after major competitions so that time is not lost prior to a competition or training camp.
Pair / Group Parent Meetings: In the summer, fall and winter we plan to have Parent Meetings for the pairs / groups so that the families can meet, share contact information and give the coaches an opportunity to discuss the long term plan for the pair group. Notice of these meetings will be sent to you via email.
Violation of Attendance Minimums and Removal from the Program: We cannot hold spots for athletes who do not attend the program. If you have schedule conflicts that will prevent your athlete from reaching the minimum attendance requirement but wish to remain as part of the acrobatic gymnastics program please e-mail the Acrobatic Gymnastics Program Director outlining your situation.
OGC Code of Conduct: We have created a specific code of conduct for our athletes while part of the team, mostly for traveling with us while not with a parent. As we travel to competitions you will see this document and if you have any concerns with it at that time we can address them then.
Schedules: Summer Schedules and Fall/Winter/Spring schedules have been distributed. We understand the logistical difficulties that families encounter by receiving these schedules in June as summer camp registration and vacations need to be booked several months in advance. Please note that we create our schedule with careful consideration. We realize that there will be conflicts and we have outlined how we are attempting to provide concessions for these conflicts. Also note that due to the ever evolving space usage of the gym we may find it necessary to change a scheduled class temporarily or permanently depending on the situation. We cannot foresee these situations but we will try to provide you with as much notice as possible prior to changes.
Cheerforce Rental: For the higher level groups we have rented space at the Cheerforce Cheerleading Gym on Friday nights. The cost of the rental will be shared across those athletes who use the Cheerforce gym. You will receive periodic invoices for your share of the cost. The cost is quite small and the OGC pays for half of the rental. The acro program needs floor space and the OGC floor is always in use. The acro program is also the most portable program as it doesn’t need any additional equipment other than the floor. This will be the second season that we use the Cheerforce gym and it worked out quite well last year.
Increased Hours and Extra Training: This year we have increased the number of Acro Group and increased the number of training hours for most groups. As the level of skill and competition progress the program will continue to increase the number of hours trained over the course of a week. Day time training is now part of the Jr/Sr and Age Group groups fall schedule. There will also be a morning training and a rental training at Cheerforce Wolfpack Cheer Club. It is necessary for us to train a these peripheral times so that we can get floor time for routine work and belt work. Space is at a premium in our gym so this is a must for our highest level athletes. We put the day time training on Wednesday afternoons so that athletes can receive homework for the day before they leave and catch up early in the week so they do not fall behind in their studies.
Extra Tops and Base Classes, Extra Tumbling Classes: An Extra 1.5 hour class for tops will be offered to the Athlets in the Provincial 1, Provincial 2 and Boys Acro groups as the tops require some very specific flexibility and handstand skills. As well all tops should purchase their own handstand pegs to practice on at home every day. An extra bases class is also on the schedule for those bases in the Provincial 1, 2 and Boys Acro groups. This class will focus on the special skills that a base requires for supporting, throwing and catching their tops. The Extra Tumbling class teaches skills that are specific to Acro routines. The basic tumbling skills are needed for all acrobats so the tops and bases will train together during the tumbling class.
Choreography and Routine Creation: See the Athlete Package Insert.
Acrobatic Gymnastics Program Weeks Off during the Summer: Note that these change each year as we need to address the competition schedule that is also ever changing. We will try to let you know well in advance so that you can plan vacations/camps/etc. We plan to have the last week of August and one other week over the course of the summer in 2016. We will post which weeks those are in April or May 2016.
Active Rest: During the rest periods we expect athletes to remain active. We give the acrobatic gymnasts a checklist of activities to do during their off time in order to keep them fit. Tops must absolutely keep training on their pegs.
Nutrition: We will post some nutrition information on the blog at some point to assist you with meal planning for effective trainings and competitions so keep you eye on the blog.
Viewing Area Closure: During the summer months and on some holidays the viewing area may be closed in the evening. On these days there will be no parent viewing. Your child will be let in at the sliding glass doors at the front of the club and be ushered out at the end of their session. When the viewing area is closed no one is permitted in the gym lobby for safety and liability reasons. Our apologies for the inconvenience that this might cause. If there is an emergency and you need to contact us inside the gym we ask that you bang on the back door of the gym to try and get our attention.
Individual Parent Meetings: We offer individual parent meetings as we or you feel they are necessary. If you have individual questions that pertain to your specific situation we ask that you not address these in a public forum but leave it to an e-mail or individual meeting.
Chain of Command: Speak to your child’s coach(es) directly for anything you may have questions about. Then you may speak to Don. If he is not able to help you then you can speak to Wayne Hussey the COO. If you have a question about an event/competition DO NOT contact Gymnastics Ontario directly. DO NOT contact the host club of an event directly. If you have a question address it through the coach(es) and we will ask GO or the event host for you as your question is likely one that other’s have.
Sponsorship: Athletes are able to search for sponsors to offset the costs of training and competitions. The OGC has created a sponsorship package for all competitive athletes. Please enquire if you are interested in sponsorship.
Fundraisers: Currently the Acro Program is planning to run a Family Fun Night fundraiser. The date is to be determined. We may run another fundraiser at some point during the season.
Event and Competition Schedule: To be posted on the blog in the early fall.
Competitive Structure Provincial and National – See attachment, previous post
The Competitions – see attachment
Travel: It is possible that we will travel outside of Ontario for competitions as acro is still growing and we may need to travel to find competitions to attend. These events are not on our regular schedule of Gymnastics Ontario Qualification events so you will have to cover the cost for coaches to attend these events as well as pay for registrations. Your registration fees for the GO qualification competitions are included in your OGC fees. The cost for coach’s expenses will be divided up and shared across the athletes that attend. Money from fundraisers may fully or partially offset the coach’s costs.
Training Wear: For acro we prefer that athletes wear a leotard and shorts. Athletes with long hair are expected to keep it in a high bun so that it is out of the way while performing skills. Boys shorts should be above the knee as you may be doing elements where another athlete need to stand on your thighs. Please not wear long board shorts. Gymnastics shoes are optional unless otherwise specified.
Competitive Wear: We have a warm up leotard/shorts or singlet/shorts combo for the Provincial and Elite Group that they need to have when we go to competitions. This Warm Up clothing if for the stretching and warming up portion of a competition. Usually the suit you will wear for competition is more elaborate and we don’t want to cause damage to the competition suits by doing too much activity in them. More information to be circulated in the fall. You will receive information shortly about the warm up leos soon. If you are in the Interclub groups you are expected to purchase the warm up leos as it may be your competition suit for the year depending on the pair or group you will be competing with. An additional competition suit may be required.
Competition suits: Each pair or group will have a matching leotard or singlet/sorts/pants for each competitive routine they perform. We will generally keep the same suit for the season. Athletes going to larger competitions or higher levels may have three competitive outfits. Plan for this cost as competitive suits usually cost between $100 and $600 dollars per athletes.
Tracksuits and OGC apparel: We have the royal OGC Acrobatic Gymnastics program t-shirt that is for sale on the rack across from the office. There are OGC Tracksuits that will be ordered once per year in the fall. Stay tuned for more information on these items. What do you need? The t-shirt (parents and family members are welcome to buy the royal acro t-shirt as well). If you are on the Elite or Provincial Team women should have either the general OGC tracksuit or the fitted tracksuit. Boys we prefer that you have the general OGC tracksuit for competitions. Showcase athletes all tracksuit and OGC apparel is optional for you. I suggest getting the royal blue t-shirt if you plan to attend a training camp or competition this year.
Other OGC Apparel: We will have a navy or white hooded sweat shirt avail and navy or white OGC sweatpants available to purchase in the fall. These additional items are optional and make great Christmas presents.
Therapy Clinic: The Glen Abby Massage Therapy and Sports Injury Therapy Clinic located inside of the OGC is open to all. It is not restricted to the athletes of the OGC. All Oakville Community members are welcome to use the OGC clinic.
Sport Psych: We have a new therapist working in the clinic who deals with Sport Psychology. Her name is Sarah Dybka and was herself a power tumbler coached by Don and Niki. She is available for one on one sessions.
Car Pooling: If you are looking for Car Pooling options please create a simple classified advertisement and email it to Don. Please include your Name, closest intersection or school for pick up location, your phone number or email address. Don will then distribute this advertisement to the athletes in your child’s group or if you wish, to the greater competitive gymnastics community within the OGC.
Any Financial questions please direct to Agnes Jankura in the main office.
Competition Registration Fees: Each competition has a registration fee ranging from $55 to $100 dollars. You will be required to pay the Competition Registration fee prior to each competition. This is different from all other OGC programs which have to pay for the Competition Registration fees for all competitions at time in the fall. Please be sure to pay your registration fee quickly when you receive notice that it is due.
Check your e-mails regularly for OGC info.
READ THE BLOG REGULARLY: It is VERY IMPORTANT that YOU keep up-to-date on the blog. It is the online bulletin board for our program. Everything is archived there so you can go back and pull any information that you might need. http://ogcacrobaticgymnastics.blogspot.com/
Any questions can be directed to:
Don Holmes dholmes_tumbling@homail.com
Scott Middleton scott392@hotmail.co.uk
Greg Boosey gregboosey@hotmail.co.uk
Sophie Lake sophie.lake.98@gmail.com
Kelsey Horn kelseyh@sympatico.ca
Alyssa Belford abelford@cogeco.ca
Nutrition Blog Post
Here is the link to the blog post about nutrition that we have posted in the past:
Monday, September 21, 2015
Canada's Wonderland Trip a Success
OGC Acro and Tumbling had a great day at Canada's Wonderland.
Great weather!
Super fun!
Can't wait for next year!
Sunday, September 13, 2015
2015 2016 Event Schedule for Acrobatic Gymnastics
This is the most up to date schedule of events we have. As more events are settled we will update this post. Keep checking the blog for updates.
Friday, September 4, 2015
September Schedule
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Fall Final Schedule
Here is the FINAL draft of the Fall/Winter/Spring schedule for the OGC Acrobatic Gymnastics Program. Provincial 1 has a few small changes. The Boys Acro group has one Tumbling time change. All other groups should be the same as was handed out in the packages in June.
Please note the Parent Meeting will be on Sunday, September 13th. Plan to be at the Parent Meeting.
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To see in larger format click on image. |
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
August Acro Schedule UPDATE
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
July Schedule Update July 22nd
Please note the Important Schedule Change this week.
The OGC Acrobatic Gymnastics Team will be performing at the MP Kevin Flynn's Community Barbecue on Thursday, July 23rd in the evening. Coaches: Sophie, Scott and Greg need to be at this event so the Provincial 2 and 3 classes are canceled for Thursday, July 23rd. Our apologies for the last minute notice.
For the Boys Acro Class, Don and Ben will be heading to Calgary for the Canadian Championships for Trampoline & Tumbling on Thursday, July 23rd. Alyssa will take the group on Thursday and Scott and Greg will take the group on Friday.
Our Acro Program has two weeks off this summer. The OGC Acro program will be off between July 27th and August 7th. Regular summer schedule will resume on Monday, August 10th.
If you are not receiving emails from Don or your athlete's coach please send an email to Don to get put on the OGC Acro email list.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Acro Groups for 2015/2016 Update
We have recently had additional athletes try out for the OGC Acro program. Here are the updated groups and partnerships as we see it for the time being. Once the fall schedule is in full swing there may be a few additional changes. We are still waiting on some athletes to give in their acceptance so making concrete decisions for all partnerships will be on going until we can have a clearer picture of who all is part of the team moving forward.
Provincial 1
Carly Aaron
Pamela Ehinlaiye
Evangeline DeAngelis
Celina Lavoie
Olivia Beram
Avery Lanoue
Dasha Turetskiy
Lauryn tokey
Kaia Van Hunnik
Provincial Boys Group
Charlie Rickards
Feroz Ajmal
Andrew Brown-Lapalme
Ethan Sousa
Kristian Diana
Zack Hendershot
Max Hendershot
Alpin Aydiner
Zeid Kolati
Farouk Kolati
Provincial 2
Joelle Attard
Emma Gray
Danielle Durbin
Amyla George
Madeline Lusk
Neveah Willis
Paulina Staikopoulos
Divia Chotalia
Caelyn Archer
Jade Paquette
Heya Hinawi
Rachel Oseida
Provincial 3
Addison Chan
Nikki Hyravy
Marie-Eve Charette
Dilyn King
Riley Atkinson
Piper Lafayette
Masha Turetskiy
Mia Pilatzke
Trina Bagnell
Cassandra Larner
Gabrielle Nunez
Zeina Ayoub
Vanessa Nunez
Age Group Group
Juliana Summers
Theo Rots-Chan
Allison Attard
Ally Swanepoel
Emma Shemko
Mira Boubou
Jasmine Duban
Briana Donohoe
Junior/Senior Group
Charlotte Penner
Erin Oswald
Alexandra D'Souza
Tessa Hickey
Kelsey Horn
Sophie Lake
Jenelle Coutinho
Daniela Mendoza
Tessa Chiricosta
Janessa Cirello
Mackenzie Senior
Provincial 1
Carly Aaron
Pamela Ehinlaiye
Evangeline DeAngelis
Celina Lavoie
Olivia Beram
Avery Lanoue
Dasha Turetskiy
Lauryn tokey
Kaia Van Hunnik
Provincial Boys Group
Charlie Rickards
Feroz Ajmal
Andrew Brown-Lapalme
Ethan Sousa
Kristian Diana
Zack Hendershot
Max Hendershot
Alpin Aydiner
Zeid Kolati
Farouk Kolati
Provincial 2
Joelle Attard
Emma Gray
Danielle Durbin
Amyla George
Madeline Lusk
Neveah Willis
Paulina Staikopoulos
Divia Chotalia
Caelyn Archer
Jade Paquette
Heya Hinawi
Rachel Oseida
Provincial 3
Addison Chan
Nikki Hyravy
Marie-Eve Charette
Dilyn King
Riley Atkinson
Piper Lafayette
Masha Turetskiy
Mia Pilatzke
Trina Bagnell
Cassandra Larner
Gabrielle Nunez
Zeina Ayoub
Vanessa Nunez
Age Group Group
Juliana Summers
Theo Rots-Chan
Allison Attard
Ally Swanepoel
Emma Shemko
Mira Boubou
Jasmine Duban
Briana Donohoe
Junior/Senior Group
Charlotte Penner
Erin Oswald
Alexandra D'Souza
Tessa Hickey
Kelsey Horn
Sophie Lake
Jenelle Coutinho
Daniela Mendoza
Tessa Chiricosta
Janessa Cirello
Mackenzie Senior
Summer Acro Schedule July 2015
Here is the July Acrobatic Gymnastics schedule for the Oakville Gymnastics Club.
Please also note that we will be taking the weeks of July 27th to 31st and August 3rd to 7th off as a program. There will be no training on those weeks. Please let your coaches know if you will be away over the summer for vacation or summer camp.
Please note that the Age Group and Junior/Senior groups are gone the first week to the UK for a competition. Those two groups are cancelled between the 29th of June and the 7th of July. Regular summer class schedule will pick up on the 7th of July.
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To see in larger format click on image. |
Vlada has decided to not return to coaching this year so Sophie Lake will be take over the coaching of the Provincial 2 group. Sophie competes in a FIG 13-19 Women's Trio and had two years of coaching experience.
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Sophie Lake Provincial 2 Coach |
Please also note that we will be taking the weeks of July 27th to 31st and August 3rd to 7th off as a program. There will be no training on those weeks. Please let your coaches know if you will be away over the summer for vacation or summer camp.
Monday, June 1, 2015
2015 National Acro Cup Schedule
Here is the first public draft of the schedule for the
2015 National Acro Cup
2015 National Aerobics Invitational.
I will also post it on my facebook,
search for Don Holmes.
There may be a few small changes closer to the weekend but those will be posted on the wall at the gym or updated here. If yo use see errors please let me know so that I can correct them.
To see in larger format click on the images.
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